I can't help but wonder when I constantly see letters to the editor in our local newspaper from individuals who seem to have very short memories or...worse yet, have been brainwashed by the machine that seems to be taking over so many unthinking minds in our nation.
October 23 saw a Kelly Sloan, not even an American citizen, who frequently writes (I am told) material for our State Senator King,who had the gall to make the decision that Proposition 103 will "do more harm than good." Interestingly, his follower King agrees but disagrees on the issue concerning our School District #51. I am not sure just why the paper even publishes his ideas.
That aside, there have been letters blaming the present administration for everything that has accumulated from the past two terms under Mr. Bush, Cheney, Runsfeld and Rove, eight years of handing out candy to their corporate friends in the guise of subsidies to oil and gas who make outrageous profits. Of course, these are breaks a-many to corporations, who of course, contribute to their campaigns, deregulate everything possible to put more money in their friends' pockets at the risk of the rest of America, our air, our water, our land, the cost of our health care.
I cannot understand how the Republican machine actually gets the ordinary voter to vote against himself, but it does.
Remember when Gov. Ritter wanted to help higher education? Well, he simply wanted to take the bundle of money that has been given to the oil and gas companies, and move it, move it to higher education, no tax increase, no loss, just a different placement of the funds.
Well the Republicans hollered "tax increase, tax increase" and the little guys listened and were scared. The oil and gas industries reached into their deep pockets and spent millions on TV and other media ads which convinced the workers and common people to vote aggainst education through their fear mongering "you'll lose jobs if we lose our subsidies" and it worked.
The voters who don't think past their noses voted against themselves, giving money to oil and gas, who definitely don't need more money (note the huge, huge profits they make as they, many of them rape mother earth, and kept money away from education, education, the foundation of Democracy....Do we not want to keep Democracy strong? Do we want to live under an Oligarcy of corporations?
This is but one example of corporate manipulation of the masses...fear, misinformation, outright lies.
The Koch Brothers do not have the interest of Democracy in mind as they fund any group that will do their bidding, as they manipulate their businesses in such ways as to escape paying their fair share. The ALEC corporation picks out greedy legislators to attend their special meetings where they promise support if that senator or rep will but take bills they have written and get them passes in Congress as law. Did you know it is most unethical for legislators to attend ALEC meetings? Well even our state reps have been invited and happily went ....
I did have the percentages of how many Governors now in office, are connected to ALEC and how many legislators have carried bills written by ALEC. These bills are not in the interest of most Americans, just the One Percent. One can find this data on the Web if one looks hard enough.
The Party of NO has to be admired for sticking to the game plan of their contributors. They have denied any help for working America, jobs, getting their businesses to loosen up the funds needed to get jobs opened. They will do anything, no matter how hurtful for America to fulfill Bohnar's brag to get Obama out after one term. Wow, such dedication to America!
Health care has gotten out of reach for many, again thanks to lobbists and campaign funds and Health Industries being owned by that one percent. And this is what the common man votes for?
Lack of support for schools, does this mean we want a "dumb" worker ant colony as our pattern for the future? Let's see, was it Nero who said "Give them cake...they will do as we want." (or something to that idea?)
The Republican House and the greedy Republican Senators are killing America as I used to know it.
I grew up Republican, went Democratic and now am Independent...because, in Colorado one must declare a party to vote in the primaries
So, before you, who seem to follow blindly the present Republican machine, think about what you are doing to yourself and to your family. Learn to read primary sources, follow other news casts besides Fox, which is only another mouthpiece for the one percent. Investigate exactly what kind of organization is claiming to know it all. There are credentials out there which sound good, but are not. Investigate the truth, don't just swallow fear and lies.
October 23 saw a Kelly Sloan, not even an American citizen, who frequently writes (I am told) material for our State Senator King,who had the gall to make the decision that Proposition 103 will "do more harm than good." Interestingly, his follower King agrees but disagrees on the issue concerning our School District #51. I am not sure just why the paper even publishes his ideas.
That aside, there have been letters blaming the present administration for everything that has accumulated from the past two terms under Mr. Bush, Cheney, Runsfeld and Rove, eight years of handing out candy to their corporate friends in the guise of subsidies to oil and gas who make outrageous profits. Of course, these are breaks a-many to corporations, who of course, contribute to their campaigns, deregulate everything possible to put more money in their friends' pockets at the risk of the rest of America, our air, our water, our land, the cost of our health care.
I cannot understand how the Republican machine actually gets the ordinary voter to vote against himself, but it does.
Remember when Gov. Ritter wanted to help higher education? Well, he simply wanted to take the bundle of money that has been given to the oil and gas companies, and move it, move it to higher education, no tax increase, no loss, just a different placement of the funds.
Well the Republicans hollered "tax increase, tax increase" and the little guys listened and were scared. The oil and gas industries reached into their deep pockets and spent millions on TV and other media ads which convinced the workers and common people to vote aggainst education through their fear mongering "you'll lose jobs if we lose our subsidies" and it worked.
The voters who don't think past their noses voted against themselves, giving money to oil and gas, who definitely don't need more money (note the huge, huge profits they make as they, many of them rape mother earth, and kept money away from education, education, the foundation of Democracy....Do we not want to keep Democracy strong? Do we want to live under an Oligarcy of corporations?
This is but one example of corporate manipulation of the masses...fear, misinformation, outright lies.
The Koch Brothers do not have the interest of Democracy in mind as they fund any group that will do their bidding, as they manipulate their businesses in such ways as to escape paying their fair share. The ALEC corporation picks out greedy legislators to attend their special meetings where they promise support if that senator or rep will but take bills they have written and get them passes in Congress as law. Did you know it is most unethical for legislators to attend ALEC meetings? Well even our state reps have been invited and happily went ....
I did have the percentages of how many Governors now in office, are connected to ALEC and how many legislators have carried bills written by ALEC. These bills are not in the interest of most Americans, just the One Percent. One can find this data on the Web if one looks hard enough.
The Party of NO has to be admired for sticking to the game plan of their contributors. They have denied any help for working America, jobs, getting their businesses to loosen up the funds needed to get jobs opened. They will do anything, no matter how hurtful for America to fulfill Bohnar's brag to get Obama out after one term. Wow, such dedication to America!
Health care has gotten out of reach for many, again thanks to lobbists and campaign funds and Health Industries being owned by that one percent. And this is what the common man votes for?
Lack of support for schools, does this mean we want a "dumb" worker ant colony as our pattern for the future? Let's see, was it Nero who said "Give them cake...they will do as we want." (or something to that idea?)
The Republican House and the greedy Republican Senators are killing America as I used to know it.
I grew up Republican, went Democratic and now am Independent...because, in Colorado one must declare a party to vote in the primaries
So, before you, who seem to follow blindly the present Republican machine, think about what you are doing to yourself and to your family. Learn to read primary sources, follow other news casts besides Fox, which is only another mouthpiece for the one percent. Investigate exactly what kind of organization is claiming to know it all. There are credentials out there which sound good, but are not. Investigate the truth, don't just swallow fear and lies.