Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Education system needs change as we see the US slip.

Reiterating what many already know about education does nothing to help in the improvement thereof. Steve Schultz’s commentary in last Sunday’s Sentinel was well written as he a good job of telling readers what has already been in place.
What he did not cover is the fact with the scare tactics of legislators, who now blindly are touting cut this, cut that, and especially cut education and all that is involved with such, are out do away with the department of education. A Colorado legislator and those who approved his measure went as far as to take away breakfast from the little guys in public schools, a move similar to one made in the past by a legislator who blamed unwed pregnant girls for all the ills in society. (Immaculate conceptions!)
Regardless, the public is too busy trying to survive, to understand the repercussions of more cuts to colleges and to sort out what is hype and what is real. They are so busy trying not to become the next homeless, that they have no time to sort out the truth from the lies people like the Kochs and Murdocks smoothly shout from the airways.
So, in our time, we elect officials who want to get reelected and thus go along with the movement of cuts from the very foundations of Democracy.
In Schultz’s commentary the importance of education came clear when he wrote,
“Public education is a foundation of democracy in the United States. Given the challenges of the future, it is more critical then ever that we invest in our children…Now is the time to invest in our children.”
Nowhere do I see cutting the subsidies from the oil and gas industry who again are making known their outrageous profits for their billionaire shareholders. Nowhere do I see Wall Street Dudes going without huge bonuses. Nowhere do I see tax loop holes closed for those who do not need them anyway.  In fact, didn’t the Republicans staunchly defend the Bush era cuts for the very wealthy and vote to carry these cuts on at the expense of billions to an already sinking economy?
The movie,” Waiting for Superman” is a great commentary on how education needs to change. Finding more about the gal who, through severe gleaning of ineffective administrators as well as ineffective teachers back east, was able to get student scores to hike up quickly. Think about reform, real reform, not token gobble-de-gook spun with slick political jargon.

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